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Expand channels to attract talents

Adhering to the principles of "equal competition, strict assessment, selective recruitment, and two-way selection", Weijie Electronics has broken geographical boundaries and established a reasonable mobile employment system. More than 70% of its employees come from all over the country.

The company actively participates in talent recruitment fairs across the country every year and recruits talents through the internet year-round. At present, according to the business strategy needs of enterprise development, the company is targeted and focuses on cultivating urgently needed talents for domestic and foreign trade, providing a solid foundation for the development of knowledge-based talents at all levels needed to expand the international market and align with it in the next step.

Unlimited use of talents

The company has established a competition and assessment mechanism, boldly employing outstanding young talents. Several of the decision-makers are outstanding young entrepreneurs who have been struggling in the business world for more than 20 years. Their managers are mostly formidable young people who have trained at the grassroots level in Weijie for a few years after graduating from university and then promoted to leadership positions.
The company has trained a large number of young managers with comprehensive and excellent qualities through various methods such as job rotation, job rotation, and promotion, using talents without any restrictions.


Find ways to cultivate talents

Faced with fierce market competition and rapidly developing science and technology, the company spared no expense and tried every means to cultivate talents. As a learning organization, Weijie has a dedicated education and training department responsible for the training of company employees. The training department organizes targeted basic training, professional training, in-depth training, and overseas training for employees based on their different training needs and career planning< The company often invites domestic and foreign experts and scholars to give academic presentations and special lectures, and has sent its backbone overseas for training multiple times. At the same time, the company fully utilizes internal resources and hires internal management experts and technical backbone as part-time teachers to provide various forms of professional training for employees.

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